Metatron NLS Knowledge and help
35% of cancers are potentially avoidable if nutritional imbalances was detected preventively. The Metatron can do it: micronutrient imbalance detection, necessary supplement and food research, electromagnetic recharging. The Metatron reveals which are the best substances for your exact case.
read more>>SPECTACULAR CLINICAL RESULTS OBTAINED THROUGH METATHERAPY Treating the patient without adverse effect is possible by correcting the electric patterns of the biological object. Dr.. M.Gheorghiu, Dr.. T.Trandafir How Metatherapy work: As células de um tecido têm a capacidade de emitir biocampos, with the same physical …
read more>>PECTACULAR CLINICAL RESULTS OBTAINED THROUGH METATHERAPY Treating the patient without adverse effect is possible by correcting the electric patterns of the biological object. Dr.. M.Gheorghiu, Dr.. T.Trandafir How Metatherapy work: As células de um tecido têm a capacidade de emitir biocampos, com as mesmas características físicas. They …
read more>>Life is vibration.. The Russian developers of the Institute of Practical Psychophysics have found that the human body has an electromagnetic information framework that is able to respond to external radiations. Photo We offer frequency diagnostic and services using the Metatron as a neutral reference …
read more>>The Metatron is composed of an interface, helmet and a resonance chamber. It is operated through a computer and a software. The software contains all frequencies of the organs and other parts of the body and allows to make comparisons and corrections. Photo Mr Nesterov …
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