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Type:Hjælpemidler til klinisk undersøgelse
Mærke navn:TONGQUAN
Model nummer:TQ4025
Oprindelsessted:Guangdong, Kina (Fastland)
items:Metatron Hunter NLS System :TONGQUAN 4025
Type::Hjælpemidler til klinisk undersøgelse, Hjælpemidler til klinisk undersøgelse
Support O.S::vindue xp,vindue vista,vindue 7 Win8 (32&64 lidt)
Garanti::Et år
Update software:Free
Pakke farve:: silver
Sprogversion::engelsk,Russisk,Tyskland,andre Valgfri
Automat serien * VERDENS BEDSTE SUNDHEDSAPPARAT * Seneste professionelle Metatron NLS-system * Metapathia GR Hunter NLS Bioresonance For Full Body Scanner
Bio-resonans og NLS-analyse af den menneskelige krop, herunder terapi, Forberedelse af middel, Ernæringsforslag og kosttilskudstest
Metapathia GR Hunter Software Analyzer scanner op til 1432 organer og væv på cellulært niveau, med 4012 digitaliserede spektrale etaloner af præparater og processer.
Bemærk: Denne maskine leveres uden bærbar; og det tilgængelige sprog: engelsk. tysk ,Russisk,Få flere detaljer ,send venligst mail til mig
Gratis forsendelse til hele verden – Levering af denne vare udføres fra Hong Kong med ekspresbudtjenester
Together with improvement of “METATRON” hardware, the software is being improved also. “Metapathia GR Hunter” is a new, revolutionary step in software creation. Hundreds of virtual models, starting with chromosomes, DNA and cells and up to models of organs and joints, were added to “Metapathia GR Hunter”.
Also the algorithm of the software was renewed, thus the effectiveness and reliability of researches was increased.
The most significant addition to “Metapathia GR Hunter”– is a module called HUNTER, which allows revealing of oncological on early stages. New user interface of the software is intuitively obvious; all symbols are visual and easy to remember.
“Metapathia GR Hunter” together with new models of “METATRON” are considered to be a leader in non-linear diagnostics sphere, and medical certificate allows using of the system everywhere.
The main feature of Metapathia GR Hunter software is function called “Three-dimensional Scanning” which allows to localize automatically a nidus where tumor appeared, arvelige sygdomme, etc. and to find the reason of appearance at genome level, passing one after another histological cuts, cytologiske snit, kromosomsæt, separate kromosomer, and go deeper to fragments of DNA helix.
Automatically Detect Root Cause
3-D Spiral Scanning Method
1432 Organs and Tissues
4012 Preparations and Processes
Extended Database of Etalons
Bacteria Research and Therapy
Preparation of Personified Remedies
High-speed Testing
More Intuitive
Meta Therapy
Stone Therapy (Lithotherapy)
Acupuncture Therapy
Iris Therapy
Preparation making
State of the art bio-resonance system for analysis and treatment with NLS technology. This is the most precise, informative and safe method for express overall body testing. :TONGQUAN NLS sistem is an advanced non-invasive device for physical examination and analysis system, using the light wave resonance to scan and detect the functional status of the Human body or to trace the gradually formed abnormal conditions in the tissue, cell or entire organ, then provides treatment. The studies showed that the new Metatron 4025 Hunter version is really a huge step forward in the development of the NLS Systems. This overwhelming results were realized throughout the completely new 3-D Spiral-Scanning-Method. :TONGQUAN 25D 4025 Hunter was enlarged with hundreds of new virtuel pictures. The Hunter finds by himself the DNA fragments with the most information loss. If these deviations on the DNA fragment-level are balanced, a lot of symptoms all over the body can disappear. Metapathia GR Hunter is a new, revolutionary step in software creation. Hundreds of virtual models, starting with chromosomes, DNA and cells and up to models of organs and joints, were added to Metapathia GR Hunter. Introduced for the first time in “Metapathia GR Hunter” software: all peculiar to Homo Sapiens species anatomical, histological, cytological structures including ultramicroscopic ones; Spectrums of minerals and gems, it allows to select according to individual biocompatibility a gem for permanent carrying or apply lithotherapy; A possibility to evaluate not only tissues of human organism, but also an ultra structure of microbial agents, viruses, helminthes, rickettsia, toxoplasms and trace on which parts of bacterial cell various antimicrobial medications influence.
Metapathia-GR Hunter-softwaren kan kun fungere med det telemetriske ikke-lineære analysedatabehandlingsapparat
“Metatron” og dens efterfølgende ændringer. Den telemetriske ikke-lineære analysedatabehandlingsenhed er kompatibel
med IBM-type pc'er og beregnet til at studere reaktionen af et biologisk objekt på forskellige typer af information
indvirkning. “Metatron” gør det muligt at korrelere måleprocessen med den proces, der påvirker den og udfører følgende
1) Den måler J (0) som afspejler ændringen af den beskrivende parameter, og det entropiske potentiale i forhold til dets initiale
2) Det transformerer kontinuerligt signal J (0) med de forudindstillede intervaller af frekvenser til et histogram (en række af numeriske værdier
af scannede frekvenser med serienumre fra 1.8 til 8.2 Hz.);
3) Den sender de aktuelle W-værdier til pc'en og viser grafen på skærmen samtidig med dens indvirkning på
4) Den akkumulerer W-værdien i sin hukommelsesenhed, hvis observation af histogrammet er mere bekvemt efter afslutning af
5) Den udsteder de skala-korrelerede kommandoer, der kræves for at regulere effekten på eksaminanden ved prøven;
6) Den transmitterer W-værdierne fra enheden til pc-hukommelsen efter afslutning af målingerne og gemmer dem
unit memory of prior to the beginning of recording data of the next målinger.
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Salgsrådgiver : Fru Lucy | Salgskonsulent : Mr Mark |
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