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Was ist Metatron??

Was ist Metatron??

Spanisch 4025 Hunter-Körperanalysegerät

Das Metatron besteht aus einer Schnittstelle, Helm und eine Resonanzkammer.
Die Bedienung erfolgt über einen Computer und eine Software.
Die Software enthält alle Frequenzen der Organe und anderer Körperteile und ermöglicht Vergleiche und Korrekturen.
Mr Nesterov with a presentation model
The patient seats in a chair without crossing his legs and arms.
The helmet placed on the head emits and receives signals from the brain and organs electric activity.
These signals are not audible.
Every organ has an electromagnetic code and the computer will analyse each one of them on automatic or manual mode.
The Metatron will establish a health card allowing to correct electromagnetic imbalances and recommands naturopatic treatments.
Metatron is a unique analyse and diagnosis system which shows if the organs and tissues are healthy or not.
It can:
evaluate the action of a treatment over a period of time;
prevent forming pathologies and detect them before attaigning a lesional state;
compare treatment efficiency and choose the best one.
This device is registered by the F.D.A. and complies safety standarts for the Class 2 medical device ISO 13485 –
It has the label CE 2A .

Verkaufsberater : Frau Lucy
Verkaufsberater : Herr Mark

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