What is Irisdiagnosis in Metatron NLS?
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Irisdiagnosis and Metatron NLS
Irisdiagnosis, also known as iridology, is a diagnostic approach that studies patterns, colors, and characteristics of the iris to assess an individual’s health. It is based on the principle that specific regions of the iris correspond to various organs and body systems, reflecting their condition. When combined with the advanced bioresonance technology of the Metatron NLS (Sistem neliniar) developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP), this method becomes a powerful tool for holistic health assessment, enhancing early diagnosis and personalized treatment.
How Metatron NLS Enhances Irisdiagnosis
Metatron NLS operates through electromagnetic resonance, analyzing the body’s biological waves to detect imbalances. Unlike traditional iridology, which relies solely on visual inspection, Metatron NLS uses a digital interface to enhance accuracy by measuring subtle electromagnetic frequencies at the cellular level. The device translates this data into color-coded, 3D virtual images, which can pinpoint problem areas, assess cellular health, and predict potential future health risks. This combination provides a more comprehensive view of a patient’s health and early-stage issues.
Key Features of Metatron NLS in Irisdiagnosis
Feature | Details |
3D Visualization | Generates 3D images of organs and systems with a color-coded risk scale |
Detailed Organ Analysis | Provides insight down to cellular levels, detecting early signs of stress or pathology |
Non-Invasive Diagnostics | Collects data using electromagnetic waves without direct contact |
Multiple Languages Supported | Software is available in over 10 languages |
Report Generation | Creates detailed diagnostic reports for easy patient communication |
Ambalare, Transport, and Customization Options
MAIKONG CO. LTD provides secure, international shipping for Metatron NLS devices, with processing times of 3-7 days and delivery within 7-9 days through carriers like UPS, DHL, or FedEx. Packaging includes all essential accessories, documentation, and customizable OEM options for businesses.
Packaging Content | Details |
Main Device | Metatron NLS Diagnostic Device |
Accessories | Trigger sensors, USB with software, power adapter |
Documentation | User manual, warranty card, quality certification |
Benefits for Health Practitioners and Patients
- Early Detection: Helps identify early-stage imbalances before they become chronic.
- Comprehensive Health Overview: Provides a thorough health map, from organs to cellular health.
- Customized Health Plans: Enables practitioners to develop highly individualized health plans.
- Non-Invasive and Safe: Collects data without any need for intrusive procedures, making it suitable for a wide range of patients.
- Time-Efficient Diagnostics: Provides results quickly, allowing for prompt action and decision-making.
- Can Metatron NLS be used alongside other diagnostic methods?
da, Metatron NLS complements other diagnostic methods by adding depth through its non-invasive analysis of bioresonance signals. - How does irisdiagnosis benefit from Metatron NLS?
Combining irisdiagnosis with Metatron NLS allows for a more accurate and detailed health assessment by adding electromagnetic data to traditional iris analysis. - What customization options are available for Metatron NLS?
MAIKONG offers full OEM/ODM services, including branding, logo on the software interface, and tailored packaging. - Who can benefit from Metatron NLS diagnostics?
Practitioners in clinics, spas, sports medicine, and personal wellness coaching can all use Metatron NLS to enhance preventive care.
For practitioners and distributors interested in offering MAIKONG’s Metatron NLS in their regions, please contact MAIKONG CO. LTD for more details on partnerships and distributor pricing.
Consultant vanzari : doamna Lucy | Consultant vanzari : domnule Mark |