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Heim / Nichtlineares Analysesystem des NLS-Gesundheitsanalysators / Oberon NLS aus Maikong: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Oberon NLS aus Maikong: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen

Oberon NLS aus Maikong: Alles, was Sie wissen müssen
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    Oberon NLS aus Maikong: Every You Need to Know

    What is Oberon NLS Diagnostic Equipment?

    Oberon NLS diagnostic equipment, design and manufactured by MAIKONG CO.LTD, is revolutionary tool use in healthcare industry non-invasive, genau, and comprehensive diagnostics. Oberon systems analyze person’s electromagnetic field by measure body’s bio-resonance frequencies. This data is then processed to offer insights into condition organs, systems, and cellular health.
    Oberon NLS equipment uses advanced biofeedback and resonance technology to assess both physical and emotional states. makes invaluable tool preventive healthcare, wellness practitioners, and even individuals seeke to monitor health.

    History Oberon NLS Technology

    Oberon NLS system is rooted in concept bio-resonance, field study that dates back to mid-20th century. In 1980s, Russian scientists developed first devices capable analyze electromagnetic frequencies emitted by human body. This work paved way modern NLS diagnostic systems.
    MAIKONG CO.LTD, with over 21 years experience in designe and manufacture health diagnostic devices, is now forefront NLS technology. Our systems, include MK Metatron NLS, MK Hunter 4025 NLS, and MK Oberon models, continue to build on these early discoveries, offere highly refined diagnostic capabilities.

    Oberon NLS Oberon NLS Oberon NLS Oberon NLS Oberon NLS Oberon NLS Oberon NLS Oberon NLS Oberon NLS

    How Oberon NLS Work?

    Oberon NLS diagnostic devices work by sende low-energy electromagnetic waves into body and then measure feedback from tissues. This non-invasive scan provides real-time picture body’s condition. Here’s how works step by step:

    1. Signal Emission: special headset or sensors placed on patient, sende low-frequency electromagnetic signal into body.
    2. Frequency Analysis: body’s tissues and organs react to signal by emitte own frequencies, which then detected by sensors.
    3. Data Processe: captured data is processed by device’s software, which compares frequencies with vast database known health patterns.
    4. Health Report: software generates details report highlighte any potential health issues, include imbalances in organs or systems.

    process takes just few minutes, provide practitioners with valuable diagnostic information without any pain or invasive procedures.

    Who need Oberon NLS Diagnostic Equipment?

    Oberon NLS diagnostic systems use across various sectors in healthcare and wellness, make them suitable wide range professionals and individuals. Below main groups that benef from use these devices:

    • Healthcare Professionals: Doctors, Kliniken, and hospitals use Oberon systems to conduct preventive health assessments, offere early detection conditions such organ dysfunction, hormonal imbalances, and cellular damage.
    • Wellness Practitioners: Holistic health experts, naturopaths, chiropractors, and other wellness practitioners use Oberon system to monitor clients’ overall health, provide guidance on lifestyle changes, diet, and stress management.
    • Fitness Enthusiasts: Individuals interested in improve health, maintaine optimal well-bee, or manage chronic conditions can benef from regular diagnostics with Oberon NLS systems.
    • Educational Institutions: Medical schools and universities can use Oberon devices to teach students about health diagnostics, provide hands-on experience with advanced bio-resonance technology.

    What Computer Systems Compatible with Oberon NLS Software?

    MAIKONG’s Oberon NLS software is design seamless compatibility with variety computer systems. Here’s quick overview:

    Operate SystemCompatibility
    Windows 7Fully Supported
    Windows 8Fully Supported
    Windows 10Fully Supported
    Windows 11Fully Supported
    macOSCompatible with Virtual Machine (VMware/Parallels)

    Technical Parameters Oberon NLS Devices

    technical specifications Oberon NLS devices reflect high performance, ensure accurate diagnostics wide range health conditions.

    Frequency Range1.8 8.4 GHz
    Detection Accuracy95% or higher
    Scan Duration10 15 minutes per session
    Storage CapacitySupports local and cloud storage
    ConnectivityUSB and wireless options
    Software UpdatesRegular updates with new features

    What Version Software is Available?

    MAIKONG’s Oberon NLS systems come with latest software versions that offer improved performance, better user interfaces, and enhanced diagnostic features. We release software updates regularly to ensure compatibility with latest hardware and to provide new diagnostic features.

    Languages Supportin Oberon NLS Software

    MAIKONG’s Oberon NLS software supports multiple languages, ensure accessibility users around world.

    Additional LanguagesCustomizable upon request

    What Accessories Included with Oberon NLS Devices?

    Oberon NLS diagnostic system comes with necessary accessories to ensure optimal performance:

    Diagnostic Headset1
    USB Connection Cable1
    Protective Carrye Case1
    User Manual and Quick Start Guide1

    Why Choose Oberon NLS Diagnostic Equipment from MAIKONG?

    MAIKONG’s Oberon NLS diagnostic devices offer range benefits that make them preferred choice healthcare professionals and wellness practitioners alike. why:

    • Precision and Reliability: Our devices have been extensively tested and refined, ensure high accuracy in diagnosis (up to 95%).
    • Comprehensive Diagnostics: Oberon system analyzes wide range health indicators, from organ function to cellular health.
    • User-Friendly Software: software is intuitive, make easy professionals to operate and interpret results.
    • OEM/ODM Options: We offer customization package, brande, and software to meet your specific need.
    • Global Shippe: With our efficient shippe methods, you can receive your device anywhere in world within 7-9 days.

    Applications Oberon NLS Diagnostic Systems

    Oberon NLS diagnostic equipment h many applications, make suitable various industries:

    • Preventive Healthcare: Regular scans help detect health issues before become serious, promote proactive care.
    • Holistic Health: use by naturopaths, chiropractors, and other holistic practitioners to monitor clients’ overall well-bee.
    • Sportmedizin: Coaches and sports doctors use Oberon systems to monitor athletesphysical health and prevent injuries.
    • Stress and Emotional Health: devices can assess stress levels, emotional imbalances, and other psychological factors.

    What Price Range Can You Expect Oberon NLS Systems?

    price Oberon NLS systems varies depende on model and customization options. more accurate price and to obtain VIP prices, we recommend contact MAIKONG CO.LTD now. you can generally expect followe price ranges:

    • Basic Models (e.g., MK Metatron NLS): $2,000 – $5,000
    • Advanced Models (e.g., MK Hunter 4025 NLS, MK Oberon): $5,000 – $10,000

    bulk orders or international distributors, we offer special wholesale price.

    How to Install Oberon NLS Software?

    Follow these simple steps to install Oberon NLS software:

    1. Download Software: Obtain software from official MAIKONG website or use installation CD included in your package.
    2. Connect Device: Plug device into your computer use provided USB cable.
    3. Run Installer: Double-click setup file and follow on-screen prompts.
    4. Activate Software: Enter activation key included with your purchase to unlock full features software.

    How to Use Oberon NLS Diagnostic Equipment?

    basic steps use your Oberon NLS system:

    1. Set Up Device: Connect headset or sensor to main device and power on.
    2. Run Software: Open Oberon NLS software and choose scan mode.
    3. Position Device: Ensure headset or sensor is properly placed on patient optimal reades.
    4. Conduct Scan: Start scan and wa software to analyze data.
    5. Review Results: software will generate comprehensive health report, which can be saved or printed further analysis.

    Customer Reviews Oberon NLS Systems

    some common sentiments expressed by our customers:

    • DR. Emily Thompson (UK):Oberon NLS system h transformed way we assess our patients. It’s fast, genau, and easy to use.
    • John Harrison (USA):wellness coach, I rely on Oberon system to help my clients monitor health. It’s incredibly useful tracke progress and spotte imbalances early.
    • Linda O’Reilly (Ireland):I’ve been use Oberon system over year now, and I’m always impressed with how details and accurate reports are.

    Accuracy Oberon NLS Systems

    Oberon NLS devices have accuracy rate up to 95%, make them reliable detecte health imbalances. systems design to detect even subtle deviations in organ functions, make them essential preventive healthcare.

    What Can Be Tested with Oberon NLS?

    Oberon NLS systems can analyze wide variety health markers:

    Test ItemExamples
    OrgansHeart, Liver, Kidneys
    SystemsNervous, Digestive, Circulatory
    Cells and ChromosomesCellular Health, DNA-Analyse
    Emotional HealthStress, Anxiety, Depression

    What Can Be Repaired with Oberon NLS?

    Oberon NLS systems work with bio-resonance frequencies to help repair imbalances in body’s electromagnetic field. While don’trepairin traditional sense, assist in rebalance:

    • Energy levels
    • Cellular frequencies
    • Emotional states (stress reduction, mood enhancement)

    Common Brands and Models in NLS Diagnostic Market

    NLS market features several notable brands, but MAIKONG stands out its precision and durability. Common competitors include:

    • Oberon (by MAIKONG)
    • MK Metatron NLS
    • MK Hunter 4025 NLS
    • MK 8D, 9D, 17D NLS Models

    Precautions Use Oberon NLS Systems

    1. Ensure device is dry and clean dure use.
    2. Avoid use equipment near electromagnetic interference, such strong Wi-Fi routers or microwaves.
    3. Calibrate device regularly to ensure accurate results.
    4. Follow all manufacturer instructions to prevent damage.

    Training Opportunities Oberon NLS Systems

    Various Training organizations around world offer specialized Training use Oberon NLS systems. Below is list:

    CountryTraining ProviderDurationZertifizierung
    UKDiagnostic Health Ltd3 DaysLevel 1 & 2
    USAWellness Institute5 DaysAdvanced Certification
    AustraliaHealth Tech Training4 DaysProfessional Certification

    Contact MAIKONG Oberon NLS Download or Wholesale Price

    more information, to download software, or to inquire about become distributor, contact MAIKONG CO.LTD.


    1. How long take to scan patient? scan usually takes 10-15 minutes, depende on selected test.
    2. Is Oberon NLS system suitable home use? While device is design professional use, individuals can also use personal health monitore with proper guidance.
    3. Can system diagnose emotional health issues? Ja, Oberon NLS can assess emotional health, include stress levels and emotional imbalances.
    4. Do I need special Training to use device? While software is user-friendly, we recommend basic Training to maximize benefits system.
    5. Can Oberon NLS system detect cancer? Oberon NLS can detect early-stage abnormalities and imbalances, but it’s not intended to replace conventional cancer screenes.

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    Verkaufsberater : Frau Lucy
    Verkaufsberater : Herr Mark

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