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بيت / كيف النظام

كيف النظام

How to order Metatron 4025,if you want order the Metatron NLS machine,please contact us to get the Price.

How to order?

1.Pls tell me your name,بريد إلكتروني, address, Tel,interested item,order quantity.
2.I will check the products price &shipment cost for you.
3.Your confirm all of the order informaton then can payment.
4.Our accept ويسترن يونيون,Money Gram,تي/تي,Moneybookers,PayPal payment.
5.Inform us delivery the merchandise After you payment.
6.Western union remittance method:
1), Fill in western union form(take the bank information i send you on the PI).
2), Hand form, identity document, remittance and wiring fee to the workers.
3), Keep remittance receipt and remittance control number.
4), Inform the payee remittance amount and monitoring number(Email me).
7.Western union agent locator:

Our Preferred Payment:


we will tell you how to do.

Thank you