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Heim / 18D NLS / Was ist Metatron NLS Sydney??

Was ist Metatron NLS Sydney??

Was ist Metatron NLS Sydney??
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    Was ist Metatron NLS Sydney??

    Der Metatron NLS Scanner has become a popular choice among wellness centres in Sydney, where it is used as a cutting-edge diagnostic tool in bioresonance therapy. Known for its non-invasive and comprehensive approach, the Metatron NLS system scans the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by the body’s organs and tissues to detect imbalances, infections, and emotional disturbances. This advanced diagnostic tool is especially valued in health-conscious communities like Sydney’s, where clients seek innovative wellness solutions that can support proactive and preventive health​.

    Metatron NLS Sydney Metatron NLS Sydney Metatron NLS Sydney

    How Does the Metatron NLS Scanner Work?

    The Metatron NLS Scanner uses bioresonance technology to read and analyse the electromagnetic frequencies emitted by various parts of the body. This is achieved through sensors that detect these frequencies and compare them with an extensive database of reference frequencies associated with healthy and abnormal states. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of the process:

    1. Frequency Detection: Specialized sensors read the frequencies emitted by each organ and tissue.
    2. Comparison with Database: The device’s software compares these readings to known frequencies, identifying any discrepancies that may signal health issues.
    3. Analysis and Report Generation: A detailed report is generated, highlighting physical and emotional imbalances. Some systems also provide therapy recommendations to help rebalance the body’s energies​


    Why is Metatron NLS Popular in Sydney?

    The Metatron NLS system is especially appealing to Sydney’s health practitioners and wellness enthusiasts for its ability to offer a holistic health overview, which includes physical, emotional, and even psychological assessments. This non-invasive method aligns well with Sydney’s growing trend towards natural, alternative health practices. Additionally, bioresonance scans are painless, making them accessible and comfortable for all users, from children to older adults​.

    Key Features of the Metatron NLS System

    Below are the primary specifications for one of the popular models, Metatron-Jäger 4025, available from MAIKONG CO., LTD:

    ModelMetatron-Jäger 4025
    Diagnostic Capabilities800+ organs and tissues
    Scanning Duration20-30 minutes
    Biofeedback Therapy ModeJa
    Emotional Health AnalysisJa
    Portable DesignLightweight and compact

    Packaging and Software Specifications

    Package ContentsMenge
    Metatron-Jäger 4025 Unit1 Einheit
    Kopfhörersensor1 Einheit
    USB-Kabel2 units
    Connection Cables2 units
    Software-DVD1 Einheit
    Aluminum Carrying Case1 Einheit

    The Metatron NLS software provides a user-friendly interface and multi-language support, ideal for the global market. The software is compatible with Windows 7, 8, and 10 (32 & 64-bisschen), and generates customizable reports including organ diagnostics, chakra health, emotional stress analysis, and more​

    Customization Services by MAIKONG CO., LTD

    MAIKONG CO., LTD offers OEM/ODM services, allowing distributors and health practitioners to customize the Metatron NLS system. Options include branded logos, personalized packaging, and customized software interfaces to create a branded experience for wellness centers in various markets.

    Metatron NLS Sydney Metatron NLS Sydney Metatron NLS Sydney


    1. Is the Metatron NLS Scanner safe?
      Ja, it’s completely non-invasive and safe for users of all ages, including children and elderly clients.
    2. How does the scanner detect emotional imbalances?
      By analyzing frequencies related to emotional and psychological health, the device can pinpoint energetic disturbances that may be linked to stress or emotional health concerns.
    3. How long does a Metatron NLS scan take?
      A standard scan takes about 20-30 minutes, depending on the scope of analysis.
    4. Can I customize the scanner for my wellness business?
      Absolut. MAIKONG offers customization services for branding, packaging, and software to suit your business needs.
    5. How accurate are the results?
      The Metatron NLS has an accuracy rate of approximately 92-95%, offering reliable diagnostics for comprehensive wellness evaluations.

    For wellness providers or distributors in Sydney and beyond, the Metatron NLS Scanner offers a powerful solution for advanced, non-invasive health diagnostics. Kontakt MAIKONG CO., LTD for more information on distribution and customization options tailored to your market.

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    Verkaufsberater : Frau Lucy
    Verkaufsberater : Herr Mark

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